Sr. Software Development Manager at IDEXX
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Hospitals All Over America Are Wildly Inflating Medical Bills

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3679 days ago
I'm in the wrong business.
South Portland, ME
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Study: Popular, Ineffective Antibacterial Chemical Found In 100% Of Pregnant Women, May Interfere With Fetal Development

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That “antibacterial” hand soap sitting next to your sink? The chemical that supposedly makes it work is called triclosan, and it’s in tons of products. A new study also finds that it’s in tons of our bodies — and in the bodies of pregnant women, it might be interfering with fetal development.

Researchers looking at pregnant women in New York found that 100% of them had triclosan in their urine, HealthDay reports. They also found triclocarban, another antibacterial chemical, in over 85% of the women. Triclosan also was found in over 50% of the samples of umbilical cord blood taken from the women, which indicates that the chemical can be transmitted to developing fetuses.

Studies of triclosan in animals have found that it may interfere with fetal development at the hormonal level. Called endocrine disruption, such interference has been tied to deformation in mice, rats, and frogs. The antibacterial agent is currently under review by the FDA, which in 40 years has never formally found it to be either safe or unsafe.

Triclosan isn’t just used in hand soaps and shower gels. It’s in about 2000 consumer products overall, including rugs, pet-care products, and school supplies — basically, anything you buy that claims to have antibacterial properties has probably got triclosan in it. And it’s in some places you might not expect it at all, like toothpaste.

Bloomberg recently took a long look at the approvals process Colgate went through to get their Total toothpaste, which includes triclosan, approved by the FDA.

Between 1992 and 1997, Colgate submitted four different applications for Total to the FDA. 35 pages of Colgate’s application materials to the FDA were not released to the public until this year, following a lawsuit. The recently released documents show that most of the studies they cited in their favor were paid for or sponsored at least in part by Colgate. The company’s applications also dismissed other studies as irrelevant, including a 1992 study finding triclosan linked to “rat litters [that] had increased incidence of delayed bone formation in areas including the skull, vertebrae and pelvis.”

The recently released documents also include a cancer study that looked at rats that had been fed triclosan for up to two years. The FDA found that study inadequate and requested another. A now-defunct pro-triclosan trade group, with Colgate among its members, began a second cancer study that was expected to take 18 months to complete. Colgate Total, as Bloomberg notes, was approved and went to store shelves 17 months later — before the study could ever be finished.

Bloomberg spoke with several scientific experts, most of whom were primarily concerned with the accumulative effects of triclosan exposure over time. And it effects pretty much everyone. Bloomberg reports that a 2003 study by the CDC found triclosan in 75% of the 2500 Americans they tested, including children. And a study from the Canadian Environmental Law Association just last month found triclosan and triclocarban in 90% of the surface water samples they took from the Great Lakes.

In Europe, triclosan has been banned in materials that come into contact with food since 2010. In the U.S., some brands are voluntarily phasing triclosan out from their products. Minnesota passed a law banning triclosan in consumer hygiene products earlier this year; the ban goes into effect in 2017.

The real kicker? All of this maybe-risky exposure doesn’t even really have any strong consumer benefits. The FDA has found that”>antibacterial soap doesn’t actually even work any better than the old-fashioned kind.

Exposure to Common Antibacterials May Affect Growth of Fetus: Study [HealthDay]
Colgate Total Ingredient Linked to Hormones, Cancer Spotlights FDA Process [Bloomberg]

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3723 days ago
Was all of this antibacterial soap ever a good idea?
South Portland, ME
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Signs, a new restaurant in Toronto, is staffed with Deaf waiters. Every diner here is encouraged to order in sign language. No need to worry if you are sign language illiterate, everyone gets a sign language cheat sheet.

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Signs, a new restaurant in Toronto, is staffed with Deaf waiters. Every diner here is encouraged to order in sign language. No need to worry if you are sign language illiterate, everyone gets a sign language cheat sheet. submitted by HandySigns to videos
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3735 days ago
I might have to get on a plane for this!!
South Portland, ME
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Airbus Seeking Patent For Bicycle Seats In Plane Cabins Because Flying Isn’t Uncomfortable Enough Already




While you’re fighting for territory on the arm rest and suffering the kicks, nudges and otherwise annoying seat disturbances that come with flying commercial airlines, just think… it could be worse. How much worse? Like perching on a bicycle seat worse.

Airbus submitted a patent in Europe for the seats, with have small backrests but no tray tables or headrest, reports theLos Angeles Times. And legroom? Keep dreaming.

The pared down design is an attempt to cut down on bulk, which in turn allows for more sardined passengers and ostensibly, more money.

“In effect, to increase the number of cabin seats, the space allotted to each passenger must be reduced,” the patent application states.

Of course, just because aircraft manufacturer Airbus is seeking a patent for something that resembles a torture device, that doesn’t mean we’ll all be perched on hard, foldable seats anytime soon… right? After all, Airbus has said wider seats lead to happier customers.

“Many, if not most, of these concepts will never be developed, but in case the future of commercial aviation makes one of our patents relevant, our work is protected,” an Airbus spokeswoman explained. “Right now these patent filings are simply conceptual.”

*Thanks for the link, Thomas!

Airbus seeks patent for bicycle-like airline seat [Los Angeles Times]

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3754 days ago
I feel like I've just seen my future...
South Portland, ME
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3 public comments
3754 days ago
This actually looks more comfortable than the current airplane seats. There is no legroom problem because you are basically standing. And the person in front of you can't crush your legs with the seat back. For a 1-2 hour flight, this would be better.
3754 days ago
Lolol wtf
Charlotte, NC, USA
3754 days ago

How anti-slavery law created American corporate personhood

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Jeff Reifman sez, "In light of this week's ruling that for-profit corporations should have protection for their religious beliefs, I thought I'd summarize the timeline of Supreme Court decisions that established corporate constitutional rights US law." tl;dr: most of it comes from the anti-slavery 14th Amendment. Read the rest

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3767 days ago
The deep link is a solid backgrounder on the evolution of corporate personhood.
South Portland, ME
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Dear fellow zillionaires: they're coming for us with pitchforks

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Nick Hanauer, a hereditary millionaire who increased the family fortune with some shrewd early dotcom inventions has written an open letter to his fellow "zillionaires" warning that their corruption of the US political system has given rise to an unstable situation of wealth inequality that has turned their potential customers into impoverished pitchfork-wielding revolutionaries who are coming for their heads. Read the rest

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3767 days ago
The original article, referenced here, is worth a read.
South Portland, ME
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